

 Sugar is used as a sweetener and gives energy. It makes its way to the table in many forms.  At breakfast, it is used in cereals , breads, pastries, tea, coffee and more. Lunch /dinner comes  around, it is used in desserts like ice cream, pies , tea coffee and more. Question : Where does sugar come from? Answer : Sugar starts off in the field in the form of a sugar cane plant. It is a wonderful and nutritionally sound food.  It is rich in vitamins and minerals.The sugar cane plant grows in  tropical countries like the Caribbean islands, Philippines, Brazil, Mexico, India and more. Sugar cane is a wonderful and nutritionally sound food.  It is rich in vitamins and minerals.  Molasses which is a byproduct of sugar cane is known to have medicinal value. It is known to be a good source of iron. 


 The London pub also known as a public house. Pubs can be found throughout Great Britain  ( England, Scotland and Wales).  Pubs are a wonderful meeting place for adults. The size and availability of food and drink varies. Foods like Bangers and mash ( mashed potatoes and sausages with gravy), Fish and chips, Toad in the hole  ( sausages in  a batter which is baked)  Shepherd's pie( ground beef and vegetables covered  with mashed  potatoes and baked) These dishes are some of the favorites that can be purchased.  To top it all, there is music !


Rome and the Roman Empire We often hear of Rome and the Roman Empire.What does it mean? Rome is a very famous city , with a very rich history. The fall and rise of the Roman Empire, encompasses an era which lasted for around  a thousand years. Rome is the capital of Italy. A Tourist attraction Tourists flock to visit the ruins of what was once part of the Roman Empire. What can we learn? The Roman Empire, is a reflection of an era when ruling  was very powerful and influenced everything. An Emperor was ruler. The Colosseum Once a very famous landmark, was destroyed by an earthquake. The Colosseum which is now an amphitheatre , was once famous for gladiator events. Animals such as tigers, elephants, and rhinos were put to fight each other , or against gladiators. Rome is famous and still a popular tourist spot!


                                                        Mountain biking Mountain biking is a sport enjoyed by many . The fresh air up high and fewer restrictions like traffic lights and road signs make the thril l of mountain biking worth going after. However, this sport is not without its dangers. Biking at high altitudes  especially  for someone who is not used to this type of environment  , can lead to altitude  sickness. Trauma to the head and spine , especially for a beginner, may occur. A wonderful sport can become a disaster if not well managed!                                                   


                         Hormones in our daily lives We eat and drink every day, we talk about being healthy , but few think about the role hormones play in our daily lives. The Endocrine System is made up of glands that secrete hormones. They  are necessary for regulating normal body functions.   Without hormones, our bodies would function poorly.  We will try to discuss the most important ones, as there are many. An overview of hormones    The Thyroid gland is  described as the largest of the endocrine glands.     It is controlled by the pituitary gland and secretes two important hormones  , T3 and T4. Iodine is taken from the foods  we eat and used to produce its hormones.   The pituitary gland is also part of the endocrine system. It is located  at the base of  the skull.  The pituitary gland is described as pea - shaped and small. It is also known as "the master gland " of the body.       Insulin is a hormone which is secreted by special cells in the pancreas, calle


Spine at work Everyone engages in different  activities in the course of a day. Hardly ever do we stop to think about how the body works . Each person  has a vertebral column which is made up of bones. There are discs between the bones and nerves that originate from the brain. Injury to the spine, may result in decreased activity to the extremities. Without the spine. the body would be like a bowl of jello.               Spine works and spinal trauma Injury to the spine , may cause problems with breathing, walking, standing or neck movement. Depending on which area of the spine is involved, will determine how the injury will affect the person. Car accidents , diving accidents , falls and more, may cause  injury to the spine. Medical attention is usually needed to diagnose and help with the healing process.


                                            Why is exercise important? Some people do not see exercise as part of being healthy.  However, based on research, here are some simple facts about exercise: 1) Exercise helps to keep your weight under control. 2) Exercise helps to promote good brain function. 3) Exercise helps prevent diabetes. It also lowers blood glucose. 4) Exercise helps to maintain good circulation and prevent heart disease. 5) Exercise tends to lower blood pressure. 6) People who exercise tend to  feel  less depressed.